Hi, my name is Chris.

I'm an undergraduate student dual-majoring at Northern Illinois University. I study computational software and computational mathematics. Currently, I am working as a research assistant for the department of physics. My current project is a custom scripting language that supports automatic differentiation and distributed computation.

When I'm not working or studying, I spend my free time playing around with my car and walking my husky. When I'm not outside or with friends, I usually work on my indie projects or play the latest games.

I like low-level programming.

I know a variety of programming languages, though I specialize in C. Software optimization and reliability is fundamental to the way I develop. I strive to learn new techniques and skills to deliver highest quality of software possible. It is the reason why I enjoy C and C++ so much, the language allows the programmer to utilize the hardware to its fullest extent.

JavaScript, Python, C++, and much more; I know a whole host of programming languages. Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can see the outline of MSDN's Win32 API behind my eyelids. And that's not to mention the numerous JavaScript libraries I've dabbled with over the years. If I don't know it, I am certainly willing to learn it.

All about computer graphics.

I've been playing video games since I was a kid and watched games evolve from the 2D era of pixel art to the lateast generation's ray tracing technology.

This website, and my hobby projects, are the results of my continued journey to learn new techniques in computer graphics.